The Challenge
Circular Living Lab reached out to us wanting to have a look that they could own that would set them further away from Arizona State Universities' visual identity. They had a logo, but no website.
The Solution 
For Circular Living Lab we used live design workshops to complete both the visual identity and website design. These workshops had us working right next to the client receiving almost real time feedback. The work that was done was very collaborative and done right in front of the client. With the look we wanted to go with something that looked technology focused, but still looked to be in the sustainability vain. With the colors, sustainability is usually done with a forest type of green and we wanted to move away from that to something that was green, but felt fresher. For the website we went with a oversized headline look to make the headlines feel a little more impactful. All in all, the work done here was much appreciated by their team and allowed them to own a look they could be proud of. 
*Work done while working at Historic Agency
The Work
-Live Design Workshop
-Visual Identity
-Website Design 

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